If you are currently searching for a home, looking to refinance your existing home, or require a competitive rate for an upcoming renewal, our secured modern mortgage application will quickly and conveniently get your mortgage approved!
You will need to gather the following documents to answer the necessary questions:
- If you are salary employed, you will need a Letter of Employment (LOE) and your most recent paystub.
- If you have an hourly wage, you will need a Letter of Employment (LOE), your most recent paystub, and you last two years of T4s
- If you are self employed, you will need your last two years Notice of Assessment (NOA), last two years T1 General, and last two years of financials.
- Purchase Agreement
- MLS Listing Sheet or Subject Property Details
- Monthly Strata Fee
- Latest mortgage statement from your existing mortgage.
- Subject Property Tax Statement from Previous Year
If you do not have the necessary documents or information, complete the application to the best of your ability and we will follow up with you for more information.